Mr. Hairy: …wait excuse me’ he said cutting me short ‘how many years have you been working’
Me: ‘Three years’ I replied wondering what the heck he was on about….
Mr. Hairy: ‘No wonder you don’t know how to talk, you use words anyhow, first of all you say you want me to sign your casual leave form? Who are you to say that…I’ve worked for 20 years…I’ve been the admin manager in a reputable telecoms company for 5yrs…if not for the fact that this office isn't properly structured I would have queried you for insubordination’’
Me:…I don’t understand…what should I have said na…it’s you that would sign it.
Mr. Hairy: come and force me to sign…listen pick your words carefully, I’m saying this for your own good. You should be requesting for approval. Which I wouldn’t give without you telling me why it’s so important for you to leave work for three days whereas….
Me: ‘I have to attend to some family issues like the note says’’ I chipped in calling him ‘aproko’ in my mind…he wants to poke nose into my affairs abi?
Mr. Hairy: ‘Don’t interrupt me when I’m speaking…take your letter and bring it back when you know how to present yourself properly….things would be done orderly in this office
I got up angrily, dare him, I’ve been in this office since 2008, who is this uncircumcised philistine that won’t let God’s people go…after all I hardly am absent from work except genuinely sick. Who be this one when just resume work as supervisor last two months to yarn nonsense… someone we were still showing how the work is done around here? Lazy ass dude
‘Nutty I’m taking your yogurt ooo, hope you don’t mind’’ a colleague called out.
In fact I have a mind to go directly to the operations manager with this…my ulcer pain don dey rise for the matter. Who is this bloody dude that wants to turn our Oyibo office to Yoruba office when everything is ‘eh Sir, eh Ma’…jooh ooooo…what is bringing nonsense to the barracks?
Well that was Friday last week
Saturday came, every channel I turned to I heard about humility…flipping the channel became my new challenge during the weekend. I Decided to listen to radio and I hear Mike Okonkwo and his ‘There is power in the word of God’ talking about submitting to authority or something like that… lia lia..on monday I'm going over his head...I'd like to even tell them of all his incompetence and oppressive behaviour.
Sunday came I decided I would go to church…no need staying at home today listening to inspiration FM to hear T.D Jakes and Joel Osteen preach along that line too, prevention is better than cure…thankfully today was thanksgiving so there wont be long preaching in church…
Pastor : ‘No 3….Humility. The lord gives grace to the humble and resists the proud’.
I groaned, wara hell? What is everyone saying…I just needed someone to agree with me that the guy is a jerk…what have I done wrong? Sign something for me he wants me to grovel first? I should tell him the reason why I want to go? Saying ‘family issue’ isn't enough? I went home still vexing. Okay i wont go over his head...i will just tell him to shove it and I will take the three days off and tell them not to pay me for those days...what is his problem?
But after a while I thought about it….what will it profit me to remain on my high horse and then have God resist me? Yes he is a jerk…but he is my boss and on principle I should accommodate his excesses. Well I’ll be humble…Tuesday is still far…
INEC: The elections have been postponed till next Saturday…go to work on Monday oooo.
Damn!! I’ll have to swallow my pride sooner than I thought.

So with my tails tucked between my legs after lunch…seriously fighting the urge not to throw up, I said:
‘Mr. Hairy I’ve brought this again, to seek approval from you’’
Him: What did you say?
Me: I’ve brought this to seek approval from you ( trying hard not to grit my teeth)
Him: I asked you some questions on Friday, what have you come up with? He asked arrogantly
Me: I have no pending jobs that cannot be handled by my colleague in my absence or that cannot wait for me. The 2003-2004 backlogs, whilst being important isn't urgent. I’ve devised a means of getting them done on my return and they won’t be a problem.
Him: Now you are deciding what is urgent or not right? what is so urgent that you need to travel for?
Me: Mr. Hairy…it’s to attend to some family matter…I need to sort some things out
Him: 'Then leave it…when I’m ready I’ll take a look at it…' he said frowning
Me; Excuse me say…its Wednesday na…I have only tomorrow (Tuesday) left
Him: Will you force me to sign? I say leave it…
Me; Okay Sir…thank you Sir…
I felt like puking… humble pie has got my stomach turning since morning…I am still trying hard not to vomit…
….but then heaven is my goal. Maybe na so God want use take teach me humility.
I still feel sick in the stomach sha…
Moral Lesson:Your boss is your boss even if you know he is a royal pain in the arse. There isnt much you can do about it...especially in Nigeria.