Monday, August 27, 2012


Often times, we have been in situations where we do not know what to do. We don't know if we should go Left, where nothing seem right...or if we should go Right, where nothing is left. We rationalize... we ponder on what to do, we read books, we talk to friends and some times put up a brave front and act as if it doesn't matter. But we know what we feel in those quiet moments when we are alone, when no one is watching, when we are left with out thoughts and fears and uncertainties...when we know time is running out and we need to make a decision fast...and we fear that the decision we make might not be the right one.

At times like this, you need to go to Nineveh

Nineveh  a small town in Indiana that has a 4-way stop, a laundry mart, a fruit stand, a feed & seed.....and a few crappy, I kid I kid but that's besides the point. Nineveh in my mind, is a place where you really do not want to go,   Nineveh is that option you don't want to pick... your head tells you that its a waste of time, your body tells you that's not where the answers to your questions are... your friends cant imagine what the heck you are packing up to go do in Nineveh...the people there are not your class, they are not of your social strata... you need to be anywhere else but there. I mean you are just too cool to agree to Nineveh

But then...Nineveh is the place where you find your peace, not necessarily because its a peaceful place, but because its where God says you should go. Often times, our spirits (hearts) already shows us the path we should take...but we allow our soul (mind) talk us out of it, by giving us solid ground breaking iron tight reasons why it shouldn't be so... Like Jonah, we'd rather go elsewhere because we just don't know how going down that lane would benefit us, and so we keep searching for answers, answers that we have already gotten but are too intelligent/wise to see.

Nineveh may not be the final destination... but it could just be the lane that leads you  to the right path.  It may not be lined up with roses...but it would bring you peace. It may not be what you want, but it is what you need. God doesn't send you anywhere without a reason... The question is: do you trust HIM enough to obey?

Most people would have been millionaires by now if only they hadn't scorned that job offer letter they received then to work in that company (Nineveh) that looked too lowly for their degree and status... 

Most ladies wouldn't be weeping and living in regrets today because they married the wealthy, tall, dark and handsome man of their dreams who turned out to be nothing but a wife beating cheat...If only they hadn't run from the man their spirits felt at peace with, all because he is short, chubby and just 'comfortable' (Nineveh). Right?

What, who or where are you running from?

Nutty J

Thursday, August 23, 2012

On your marks... Get Set.... Job hunt

Like I told my cousin some days ago, a bored Jay is not a very normal Jay...  So I've decided to seriously begin hunting for job... Men can wait for now. The half pay I am currently receiving since EFCC closed my office, isn't doing much for me and all my plans I've made for this year and that my dear, is deflating my Morale seriously. I like making money... more than a lot of things. So my eye dey *shook* seriously

So I've decided to go full throttle and begin guerilla job hunting. To help me achieve this, I decided to go off Blackberry... I had planned on taking a break from Blackberry for sometime now, but there always seemed to be a reason to hang on and stay back... long story short on Tuesday after my BIS expired, I decided not to renew it...and subconsciously tagged my going back on BB on getting a job. That is, the day I get back into an office (new job or current job) is the day I get back on blackberry. That means I need to intensify my job search and prayers because I miss my groups and gossips and friends on Blackberry already that it breaks my heart... I sometimes don't know why I punish myself by deprivation most times. Is it normal?

In between hunting for jobs... I discovered some blogs that You all should check out... I promise you, you would enjoy chilling with these blogs:

1. : these guys are just the best.... They talk about everything and anything and get as much as 700 comments per post.

2.  : this baby is just so funny in her almost confused state... She's new on blogger so show some love, remember when you just started blogging and needed morale support too, so go and support her...oh and  her posts are debate worthy too

3. :  So I hardly go on wordpress right? But this blogger has got me stalking   this blog every Monday morning. I had to read from the very first post till date...  Most of you already know of 'Oyin Cleg' right? Eh en...this is the blog.

So now that I have most graciously given you very good reading materials (remember to thank me in your comments)... would you in turn be gracious enough to point me to the vacancies you know of in your offices and your father's offices, and your mother's office, or Fiancées' offices... or even your children's offices?

Send all the links for job vacancies related to Administration/HR and even Document Control to me at

...its a serious matter, I pray I dont have to go on AIT and NTA and announce that I'm looking for work... like I said, a bored Jay, isn't a very normal one.

Thanks for stopping by... lots of love from me to you....


Nutty Jay

Monday, August 13, 2012

Settling for Less

Yes... I heard a sermon in the Redemption Camp that was titled 'DONT settle for less' that was on Friday last week... it was a sermon preached by Pastor Joe Olaya.

Immediately I heard the title, I dropped my blackberry back in my handbag, not bothering to keep an eye on it again in hopes that network would miraculously appear so I can send a quick message to a friend in Canada, my full attention was on this preacher whose voice seem to grab the attention of all including those dosing off on their seats with their mouths open two mins ago, on a subconscious level I was already expecting to hear this sermon linked to how we singles should be careful not to settle for a spouse that isn't what we deserve all because of Peer Pressure  (you see how my mind works these days?)... because a good hunter is one who is willing to grab good information and use it if it would sharpen her hunting be so?

Well sorry to disappoint you, the topic was not about that at all... but come on, I wouldn't be much of a friend if I dont share it with you because the preaching touched me... chei! hope I haven't scared the desperado singles away

He gave an example with Esau and Joseph. In the mind of Nutty Jay (but based on the examples the preacher gave) this is how it is

Esua came in from work (I like a man that works hard) hungry, I'm sure he wasn't married then because if he had someone like me, my hot self and a hot meal will be waiting for him, he wouldn't have had cause to be tempted my brother Jacob's meal (Guys see one good reason why you need to marry me?)  and because he knew Jacob who was always at home (I don't like a man that stays at home joor) must have made lunch, he went over to see if brotherly love would make Jacob offer him food... after exchanging pleasantries and waiting to no avail for  brother J to say 'Hey bro, please join me' Esau the hard working dude took the initiative and asked: 'Bros that food looks good, I hope it tastes as good as it looks'. So long story short Esua was hungry and almost fainting and Jacob who probably spends all his time in the kitchen reasoning out things, made him an offer he couldnt resist. And Esua who wasn't thinking (remember he was hungry and almost fainting na) sold his birth right for Chicken stew with assorted meat. All he wanted to do at that time was satisfy his hunger, didn't want to develop ulcer, didn't want to die of hunger...he wasn't seeing beyond that hunger, he didn't remember the significance of his birthright that wasn't bringing food to his stomach. So he settled for less (food)...and lost his heritage and blessing and everything to Jacob. What was Esua thinking? Nothing else apart from food


Then there was Joseph… good boy, daddy’s favourite…the envy of his brothers…the bright one, the promising child. He is one of those annoying people that things always seem to work for every time. He had a dream (like Martin Luther King), that one day this nation will raise up and bow before him and call him Igweeeeee. He had a vision for greater things God had in store for him, then his brothers contemplated killing him just for dreaming (na wa ooo) then he was sold into slavery…I’m sure there were times he went dayz without food (somebody should tell Esua that), then through diligence he became the general manager of Pothipher’s house (I hope u know the story). And then on one faithful day, Oga Madam came and said:

Darling…there’s just something about you that turns me on, I look at you and u remind me of my dad…you are not like all these boyz your age who do nothing but drink and smoke and don’t seem to have any ambition… come o, what drives you, whats ur secret for success

Ah..Madam, its God ooo…we thank God, thank you for the compliments’…he must have replied blushing and grinning from ear to ear…

awww you are so cute when u talk like that, kiss me please…ah han why are you drawing away, its nothing na,  I promise not to tell anyone…wait Joseph listen, just this one time, help me out na my husband is never around, I’m horny, just once and your life will never remain the same, I’ll make sure you get anything and everything you ever ask me and my husband for etc etc

… but Joseph was thinking about his dream, his vision, the plan of good he knows God has for him and he ran, he refused to settle for less…even though he knew he might suffer dearly for it (which he did)… but you see the good thing about this is that whatever trouble Integrity, Uprightness, discipline or the Fear of God puts you in, those same quality would bring you out of that trouble and even to a better place. Check out Joseph na…did he not become prime Minister over Mr. and Mrs. Pothipher?


You know those times when you say 'Yes' instead of 'No'...just because it is easier? and its less hassle... at those times, you are settling for less. Sometimes its the hunger for quick profit, or the uncertainty of 'What if'... or the temptation of 'Social acceptance' that make us do things that brings us instant gratification and satisfaction, making us lose sight of what and where we are meant to be. For example, if Joseph had said 'Yes' to the Mrs., he would have remained in that exalted and envious position of General Manager...all in the name of 'Keeping my job in this bad economy' after all no one would know . But the thing is He would never have become a Prime Minister, which was his destiny. He would have settled for less. So while Esua wasn't thinking... Joseph was. He knew that trading his destiny for the pleasure and satisfaction for today, wasn't the kind of life he was made for. 

May we not truncate our God ordained destiny for the satisfaction and comfort of the moment. May we not settle for less.

Meanwhile what do you think? Do you think that no matter what we do, our destiny cannot be altered? please let me hear your opinions on this, also...what do you think would have happened if Joseph's Uncle, Esua had said 'No' to Jacob's offer? 

Nutty Jay. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Peer Pressure

Its funny how I never ever gave much thought to this peer pressure thing until I started seeing my friends getting married one by one... today its a display picture to show a platinum ring with the accompanying display message that reads 'Oh my gosh! baby yes! yes!! yes!!!'

Tomorrow its another person sending an invitation to for her wedding... and next tomorrow its yet another person inviting me for hen night.... and yet one more for baby shower. When it became a tad annoying was when the guys my age began to send me wedding invitation too... Chei!! I understand girls marrying young, but guys you too??????? abi is 27 too old to be single?

And then the question starts rolling in...

Friend one: 'Yes ooo, thank you for your compliments, na God do am, so shey you are coming with your bobo?'

Friend 2: 'Babes make we do come chop rice ooo, which of the guys would be the lucky one'

Aunty: 'You no go do make you marry ooo, all these my lovely baby things you want me to dash them out to another person abi?'

Friend 3: 'Its best you settle down in your twenties o, e hard to find man in your thirties'

Mummy: 'Are you still praying? ask God for guidance, you are not getting any younger'

Pastor: 'Beauty sisters stop all this choosy character of yours and be prayerful about your partner to be...when I met my wife....etc etc'

Friend 4: Babes... na wa you open eye reach you no dey talk of marriage at all?

Recently, this is how I think on Saturdays

You see when such comments come in, with the advise that is quick to follow after any response I give (Negative or positive) , I act indifferent and laugh it off and tactfully switch the conversation back to them... but the mind is a silly thing, a seed has been planted in my mind and at night, it tries to fix its roots firmly there, such seeds are like broken records that plays the most annoying parts of the conversation over and over and over again. those annoying parts, unfortunately are thought provoking leaving one question ringing in my head over and over:

'Nutty Jay... you no wan marry?'....

Its funny... when Oyibo man talked about 'peer pressure' one takes it seriously, until the pressure actually comes.

Any ways if you are a man or woman of marriageable age reading this and you are not yet married, please be reminded that you are not getting younger, your looks wont last forever, don't be so choosy that you miss out of your God given partner..shine your eyes, etc etc... eh en, no be only me go dey pressured for marriage

And if  you are married and you are reading this...please advise us the single ones how to deal wiht all these pressure na....

Nutty Jay.